Aircraft engine systems, Альмурзин П.П., Исправникова С.С., 2021

Aircraft engine systems, Альмурзин П.П., Исправникова С.С., 2021.

В данное пособие включены тексты для чтения, пересказа, реферирования и аннотирования, лексико-грамматические упражнения, тестовые задания. Использована оригинальная литература по авиации. Предназначено для обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 15.03.05 Конструкторско-технологическое обеспечение машиностроительных производств, 24.03.04 Авиастроение, 25.03.02 Техническая эксплуатация авиационных электросистем и пилотажно-навигационных комплексов, 27.03.02 Управление качеством и по специальности 24.05.07 Самолёто- и вертолётостроение. Подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков и РКИ.

Aircraft engine systems, Альмурзин П.П., Исправникова С.С., 2021

2. Read the text to find the answers to the previous questions:
Engine systems. Starting and ignition.

The aircraft engine is installed with many systems requiring electrical power. The predominant requirement (in terms of current consumption) is for the starting system. General aviation aircraft use electrical starter motors for both piston and gas turbine engines; larger transport aircraft use an air-start system (controlled electrically) derived from ground support equipment or by air cross-fed from another engine. Electrical starting systems on piston and gas turbine engines are very different. The trend towards the all-electric aircraft will see more aircraft types using electrical starting methods. The engine also requires electrical power for the ignition system. Once again, the needs of piston and gas turbine engines are quite different. Although starting and ignition systems are described in this chapter as separate systems, they are both required on a coordinated basis, i.e. a means to rotate the engine and ignite the air/fuel mixture. Electrical and electronic requirements for engines also include the variety of indicating systems required to operate and manage the engine. These indicating systems include (but are not limited to) the measurement and indication of: rotational speed, thrust, torque, temperature, fuel flow and oil pressure. Indications can be provided by individual indicators or by electronic displays. This chapter describes engine starting, ignition and indicating system for both piston and gas turbine engines.


UNIT 1. Engine systems.
UNIT 2. Magneto ignition.
UNIT 3. Sparkplugs.
UNIT 4. Turbine engine starting.
UNIT 5. Main engine start.
UNIT 6. Auxiliary power unit (APU) start and ignition.
UNIT 7. Engine indicating systems overview.
UNIT 8. Engine temperature.
UNIT 9. Engine pressure ratio.
UNIT 10. Electronic indicating systems.
Texts for Supplementary Reading.

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