В книге изложены общие сведения о приближенных значениях чисел, некоторые вопросы школьных измерений, а также приведены методы и правила приближенных вычислений. Отдельный параграф посвящен приближенным вычислениям с помощью микрокалькуляторов. Написанный живым и доступным языком весь материал иллюстрируется примерами из курса физики.

Put the verb into the correct form.
1. Julia doesn’t drink (not / drink) tea very often.
2. What time (the engineers / check) the tank with refrigerant here?
3. I have some batteries, but I (not / use) them because they are flat.
4. When (you / replace) the bulb?
5. ‘What (you / do)?’ ‘I’m an electrician.’
6. Look at this sentence. What (this word / mean)?
7. David isn’t very fit. He (not / do) any sport.
8. It (take) me an hour to assemble a motor. How long (it / take) you?
Are the underlined verbs OK? Correct them where necessary.
1 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. OK
2 How often are you going to the warehouse? do you go
3 Ben tries to find a job, but he hasn’t had any luck yet.
4 Martina is phoning her curator very often.
5 The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days.
6 Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?
7 What do you do in your spare time?
8 Sarah is a vegetarian. She doesn’t eat meat.
9 I must go now. It gets late.
10 ‘Come on! It’s time to leave.’ ‘OK, I come.’
11 Paul is never late. He’s always starting work on time.
12 They don’t get on well. They’re always arguing.
Present continuous.
Present simple.
Present continuous and present simple.
Past simple.
Past continuous.
Present perfect.
Present perfect continuous.
Present perfect continuous and simple.
how long have you (been). ?.
for / since when. ? how long. ?.
Present perfect and Past simple.
Past perfect.
Past perfect continuous.
Present tenses for the future.
I’m going to (do).
Future simple.
be done / been done / being done.
Questions and auxiliary verbs.
Verbs with –ing forms and infinitives.
Verb + -ing.
Verb + to.
Verb (+ object) + to.
Verb + -ing or to.
try, need, help.
like / would like etc.
Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + -ing.
be/get used to.
Verb + preposition + -ing.
there’s no point in -ing, it’s worth -ing etc.
to. , for. and so that.
Adjective + to.
to. (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing).
see somebody do and see somebody doing.
-ing clauses.
time at/on/in.
on time and in time at the end and in the end.
position in/at/on.
to, at, in and into.
other uses in/on/at.
Noun + preposition.
Adjective + preposition.
Verb + preposition.
about and of.
List of references.
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Скачать книгу Grammar for techies, сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка, часть 1, Дерман И.Н., 2021 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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Теги: тесты по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Дерман
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