Грамматика английского языка, Пособие для студентов педагогических институтов, Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л., Кожевникова О.Н., Прокофьева Е.В., 2008

Грамматика английского языка, Пособие для студентов педагогических институтов, Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л., Кожевникова О.Н., Прокофьева Е.В., 2008.

   Один из лучших отечественных учебников по грамматике английского языка, написанных за последние 50 лет. Киша состоит из двух частей — «Морфология» и «Синтаксис», в ней глубоко и детально описана грамматическая система английского языка Примеры, иллюстрирующие правила, взяты из классических произведений английских и американских авторов XIX-XX вв., а также из современных словарей
Пятое издание учебника составлено с учетом изменений, произошедших в грамматической системе английского языка за последние десятилетия Для студентов и преподавателей языковых вузов, а также для всех тех, кто желает в совершенстве освоить грамматику английского языка.

Грамматика английского языка, Пособие для студентов педагогических институтов, Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л., Кожевникова О.Н., Прокофьева Е.В., 2008

The article is a structural part of speech used with nouns. There are two articles in Modern English: the indefinite article and the definite article.

The indefinite article has the forms a and an. The form a is used before words beginning with a consonant sound (a book, a pen, a student). The form an is used before words beginning with a vowel sound (an opera, an apple, an hour). The article is pronounced [oj, [on]; when stressed it is pronounced [ei], [aen].

The definite article has one graphic form the, which is pronounced in two ways: [dr] before a vowel sound [di* ’aepl] and [do] before a consonant sound [do 'pen].
The indefinite article has developed from the Old English numeral an (one), and as a result of its origin it is used only with nouns in the singular.

The definite article has developed from the Old English demonstrative pronoun se and in some cases it has preserved this demonstrative meaning in Modem English.
The use of the indefinite article implies that the object is presented as belonging to a class.

The use of the definite article shows that a particular object is meant.
The absence ofarticles with class nouns in the plural, with abstract nounsand nouns of material hasgrammatical significance: itshowsthat the nouns are used in a general sense.

Introduction. Grammatical structure of the English language.
General classification of the parts of speech.
Chapter I. The Noun.
Chapter II. The Article.
Use of articles with common nouns.
Use of articles with proper nouns.
Use of articles with nouns in some set expressions.
Use of articles in some syntactic relations.
Special difficulties in the use of articles.
Use of articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives, pronouns and numerals.
Omission of the article.
Chapter III. The Adjective.
Chapter IV. The Pronoun.
Chapter V The Numeral.
Chapter VI. The Words of the Category of State.
Chapter VII. The Verb.
Tenses in the Active Voice The Indefinite form.
The Continuous form.
The Perfect form.
The Perfect Continuous form.
The Passive Voice.
Modal Verbs.
The Indicative Mood.
The Imperative Mood.
The Subjunctive Mood.
Chapter VIII. The Non-finlte Forms of the Verb (the Verbals).
The Participle.
The Gerund.
The Infinitive.
Chapter IX. The Adverb.
Chapter X. The Modal Words.
Chapter XI. The Interjection.
Chapter XII. The Preposition.
Chapter XIII. The Conjunction.
Chapter XIV. The Particle.
Chapter XV. The Simple Sentence.
Parts of the Sentence.
The principal parts of the sentence.
The secondary parts of the sentence.
Chapter XVII. The Compound Sentence and the Complex Sentence.
The compound sentence.
The complex sentence.
The compound-complex sentence.
The compound-complex sentence.
The complex sentence.

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