Английский язык для пищевых и коммерческих вузов и колледжей, Пушнова П.М., Стороженко В.А., Тяпкина А.С., 1996

Английский язык для пищевых и коммерческих вузов и колледжей, Пушнова П.М., Стороженко В.А., Тяпкина А.С., 1996.

  Учебное пособие состоит из оригинальных текстов, тематика которых соответствует профилирующим специальностям, по которым готовят студентов пищевых и коммерческих вузов и колледжей. Предлагается англо-русский словарь специальных терминов, а также дополнительные тексты и речевые ситуации по темам, связанным со специальностью.
Цель пособия - развитие умений и навыков устной речи, чтения и перевода текстов по специальности.

Английский язык для пищевых и коммерческих вузов и колледжей, Пушнова П.М., Стороженко В.А., Тяпкина А.С., 1996

The food industry is a very ancient industry. Almost every branch of the food industry and particularly those dealing with grain and bread, meat and meat products, fish and fish products, was a well defined trade guild.

The food industry developed from the experience of generation.
Milling and baking were well developed in ancient times. There were both private and public ovens for baking bread. Olive oil and honey were widely sold and bought. Cheese was manufactured thousands of years ago. Butter is also an ancient food.

The production of food, as an industry, actually has a history extending as far as the history of modern chemistry because it was considered a part of chemical technology. Thus the book “Chemical Technology” published in 1870 contained the following sections: starch, sugar manufacture, cane sugar, beet sugar, fermentation, wine making, beer brewing, bread baking, manufacture of vinegar, and essential oils.

Unit I. From the History of Food Industry.
Text A. From the History of Food Industry.
Text B. The Present Day Food Industry.
Text C. Education and Training of Personnel for Food Industry.
Unit II. Human Diet.
Text A. Diet.
Text B. Meals.
Text C.
Unit III. Foods and Their Constituents.
Text A. Important Materials in Your Food.
Text B. Minerals.
Text C. Vitamins.
Unit IV. Breadmaking.
Text A. Technology of Breadmaking.
Text B. Methods of Mixing Dough.
Text C. From the History of Bread.
Unit V. Meat and Meat Products.
Text A. Meat and Meat Products.
Text В. Products of Meat Processing.
Text C. Tenderized Fresh Meats.
Unit VI. Milk and Dairy Products.
Text A. I. Dairy Products.
II. Commercial Processing of Milk.
Text B. rasterization.
Text C. Cultured Milk Products.
Unit VII. Sugar Processing.
Text A. Sugar.
Text В.
Text C. Sugar crops.
Text D.
Unit VIII. Confections.
Text A. Confections.
Text B. From the History of Chocolate.
Text C. The Manufacture of Chocolate.
Unit IX. Processing of Fruit and Vegetables.
Text A. Methods of Fruit and Vegetables Preservation.
Text B. Canning.
Text C. Dried Fruits.
Unit X. Fats and Oils.
Text A. Fats and Oils.
Text B. Animal Fats and Vegetable Oils.
Text C. Margarine and Butter.
Unit XI. Vending Machines.
Text A. Vending Machines.
Text B. Soft Ice-Cream Machines.
Text C. Soft Drink Venders.
Unit XII. Shopping. Taking Meals.
Supplement I. Additional Texts.
Supplement II. Keys.
Supplement III. Vocabulary.

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