Является первой частью учебного пособия, предназначенного для развития навыков чтения и смыслового восприятия письменного текста различных стилистических и жанровых видов. Охватывает темы "Человек и семья”, "Место, где ты живешь”, “Питание и приготовление пищи”, “Магазины и покупки”, “Ты -студент”, “Погода и отдых”, “Этическое учение христианства”. Каждая тема содержит 2-3 раздела, которые включают урок для аудиторных занятий и урок на основе внеаудиторной деятельности. Уроки содержат тексты, задания по чтению и восприятию, материал для анализа текста и послетекстовые упражнения.
Предыдущее издание вышло в 2011 г.
Для студентов высших учебных заведений.

My Great Aunt.
Mу Great Aunt’s name is Mary Grieve. She is my grandmother’s aunt, and as I’m not sure exactly what name she should be given, I always call her my Great Aunt. I do not know her very well having always lived a long way away, but she has always been a woman I have respected for many different reasons.
She is now over eighty years old and was born in Scotland in 1912. She had one brother called Tom. Her family were wealthy for those times and luckily for Mary, her father believed in educating both his children. He did not send her to one of the typical schools for daughters of the rich where they only learnt skills preparing them for marriage. She was obviously intelligent and when she left school she went to Oxford University.
In the 1930’s there were very few women at University or who were allowed to go. However, Mary is not a quiet, submissive woman. In fact, she has always been very determined and prepared to be different. At this time it was assumed that women of her class would spend a few years enjoying their freedom and then settle down and get married. Mary did not do this.
UNIT 1. Biographies and Autobiographies.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: My Life (10) My Great Aunt (15).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: A Woman’s Struggle to Believe in Herself (19).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Mother (22).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning (28).
UNIT 2. A British Family.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: A Life in the Day of Diana Harpwood (32).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: What Price More Time with the Children? (38).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: I Sat in My Kitchen (40).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: My Own Personal Space (43).
UNIT 3. Family Problems and Their Solution.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Dear Editors (46).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Is Your Friend Hard Work? (51).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: The Man Who Sold His Wife (53).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: It Was the Last Day of July (58).
UNIT 4. Lonely Hearts.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Marriage Advertisements (61).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Everybody My Age (63).
Reading for Fun.
Optional Reading.
The Mayor of Casterbridge.
The Devoted Friend.
Most Important Hour in a Family’s Day.
UNIT 1. Famous Houses and Buildings.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: The White House. History (80) The White House: Some More Facts (83).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Sissinghurst Castle (86).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Grandma’s Cottage (90).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Houses of Englishmen (93).
UNIT 2. A House Needs a Lot of Work.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: A Night in a Quiet Country Inn (95).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Welcome to the Model Village (101).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: Informal Note. Formal Letter (104).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: Houses of the Twenty-First Century (106).
UNIT 3. Your Home Is Your Fortress.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: Burgled Seven Times (109) Beat the Burglar (113).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Crimes Against Property (117).
UNIT 4. A House to Let ….
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Advertisements for Flats (119).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: What a Mess! (123) Home Environment (124).
Optional Reading.
Barton Cottage.
Buckingham Palace.
Downing Street, 10.
The Selfi sh Giant.
UNIT 1. Foods and Drinks Known Worldwide.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Eating Out (135) Fast Food (136).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: The Hot Dog (140) Coca-Cola (141) Fast Work for Fast Food (142).
UNIT 2. Eating Traditions.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: English Food (144).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: Food in Britain (149) Ice-Cream (151).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: Food for Thought (153) The British Diet (156)
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: Food for All (159) Salt (161) Convenience Food (163) Eating Stereotypes (164)
Reading for Fun.
Optional Reading.
The Luncheon.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
UNIT 1. Things We Buy.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Shopping with Mom (171).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: Blue Jeans (175) What Kind of Shopper Are You? (176).
UNIT 2. Places We Shop In.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Big Business (179).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Street Markets (185).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Famous London Department Stores (187).
Lesson B. Practice Tests. Text Titles: The Birth of the Penny Bazaar (190) Shopping Malls (192).
Reading for Fun.
Optional Reading.
Business and Money.
Consumer Resistance to Austere Life Style.
Advertising Can Sell You Anything.
UNIT 1. At the University.
Part I.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Roommates (200).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: Organizing Yourself (205) Alcot University (207).
Part II.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: University of Oxford (208) University of Cambridge (211).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Titles: Home’s No Place to Study (214) Courses Abroad (215).
Part III.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: What Degree of Success Can You Expect from the Open University? (218).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Adult Education Courses at Dale Community Centre (223)
UNIT 2. From Junior School to University.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: How Ruth Made History at Oxford (226).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Talent Knows no Boarders (230).
UNIT 3. Modern Technology in Education.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: The Fun They Had (234).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: When a Computer Error is a Fatal Mistake (240).
Optional Reading.
How Studying Works at the OU.
History of the OU.
Intelligence and IQ.
The Nightingale and the Rose.
UNIT 1. The World and Its Weather.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: The World’s Climate in the Future (251).
Lightning (255).
Lesson B. Practice Tests. Text Titles: Weather Forcasting (257) What’s It Going to Be Like Tomorrow? (259) Thunderstorms (261).
UNIT 2. Holiday Making in All Types of Weather.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Three Men In a Boat (263).
Lesson B. Practice Tests. Text Titles: Lightning Strike (268) Getting Away from It All (269).
UNIT 3. Letters and Diaries.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: My Journey (273).
Lesson B. Practice Tests. Text Titles: Letters to the Times about Daffodils (278) Ice Breaks (280).
Reading for Fun.
Optional Reading.
When Love Bloomed in Secret.
I’m Glad It’s January.
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Christ’s Sermon on the Mountain (287).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: The Beginning of Knowledge (290).
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Parable of the Prodigal Son (294).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: The Excellence of Wisdom (298).
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Title: Repentance and Confession (302).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: The Lord by Wisdom Founded the Earth (306).
Lesson A. Intensive Reading. Text Titles: Lord’s Supper (310) Jesus Prays Alone (311).
Jesus Is Arrested (311).
Lesson B. Practice Test. Text Title: Better Is the Poor Who Walks in His Integrity (316).
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