Complete First for Schools is the most thorough preparation for B2 First for Schools. Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide.
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Writing bank.
Read about Part 1 of the Writing paper.
In Part 1 of the Writing paper, you hove to write an essay for your teacher. This task is compulsory. The topic of the essay is in the form of either a question that you have to answer, or a statement that you have to agree or disagree with.
In your essay, you can either just give arguments in favour of your own opinion or you can give arguments for and against the idea and end by giving your opinion.
You must include the two ideas that are given in the notes with the task, and you must add a third idea of your own. You should write between 140 and 190 words.
Study the model answer. What extra idea does it include?
In my opinion, it is possible that environmental problems will be worse in 20 years. We already face a large number of serious environmental problems, and if steps are not taken to tackle them, they will become even more serious.
firstly, there is already a huge amount of pollution in the world, for example from cars, lorries and planes. There is also a big problem with the amount of rubbish that we produce, which often ends up in the sea.
Secondly, our modern way of life produces harmful gases which are causing the planet to become warmer. This is a very serious problem for animals such as polar bears, which may die out if the ice that they live on melts.
Finally, the world's population is growing rapidly and this will put even more pressure on the Earth's resources. More people means more food production, more pollution and more waste.
ln conclusion, the world faces some very serious environmental problems which will definitely be worse in 20 years if nothing is done to solve them. However, I am optimistic that scientists and politicians will find ways to improve the situation.
Map of the Units.
First for Schools content and overview.
1 A family affair.
2 Leisure and pleasure.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1 and 2.
3 Happy holidays?.
4 Food, glorious food.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4.
5 Study time.
6 My first job.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5 and 6.
7 High adventure.
8 Dream of the stars.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8.
9 Secrets of the mind.
10 On the money.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10.
7 High adventure.
8 Dream of the stars.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8.
9 Secrets of the mind.
10 On the money.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10.
11 Medical matters.
12 Animal kingdom.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12.
13 House space.
14 Fiesta!.
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 13 and 14.
Grammar reference.
Phrasal verbs.
Speaking bank.
Writing bank.
English for Spanish Speakers.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Brook-Hart :: Hutchison :: Passmore :: Uddin
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