Compact First for Schools, Student’s Book, With Answers, Thomas B., Matthews L., 2014

Compact First for Schools, Student's Book, With Answers, Thomas B., Matthews L., 2014.

Compact First for Schools Second Edition is a concise and focused course which thoroughly prepares B2-level students for all four papers of the revised Cambridge English:  First for Schools, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools. Eight units provide 50-60 hours of core material to maximise the performance of school-age  learners.

Compact First for Schools, Student's Book, With Answers, Thomas B., Matthews L., 2014

This is a classic in the Batman series. It is a dark, difficult and at times rather disturbing film, which really makes you think. As you sit in the audience, you wonder  what would happen if a hero like Batman really came along and decided to deal with organised crime in our big cities, yet you are also entertained because the film has a  lot of amazing action scenes.

Map of the units.
1.Family and friends.
2.Exploring the world.
3.The entertainment industry.
4.Active life.
6.Natural world.
7.People and style.
8.Keeping up to date.

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