Фрагмент из книги:
Claudio Bonifacio is a modern day treasure hunter. For most people, the title ‘treasure hunter’ more than likely brings to mind images of brave explorers fighting pirates to find a chest (сундук) full of sparkling jewels. But contrary to this stereotype, Bonifacio finds most of his bullion (gold and silver) in libraries full of ancient shipping records rather than with the help of the ancient magical map you might expect. He has spent many years searching the naval archives in Seville, from which he has located the positions of more than 2,500 sunken galleons — the ships the Spaniards used to sail the high seas from the 15th to the 18th centuries.

Now some scientists believe that
1) all octopuses are more intelligent than larger animals.
2) we can add the octopus to the list of most intelligent animals.
3) the octopus isn’t in fact a mammal.
An octopus’s eye is
1) rather unusual for a mammal.
2) rather unusual for a creature that lives in the sea.
3) not very complicated.
Octopuses are good at escaping because
1) they can change the shape of their body.
2) they choose surprising places to hide in.
3) they have very small eyes.
One thing that suggests that octopuses are intelligent is that
1) they were smarter than US Air Force computers.
2) their brains are similar to cats’.
3) they learn how to do complicated tasks.
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Теги: тесты по английскому языку :: английский язык
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