Cambridge English, storyfun 3, Student’s book, Saxby K., 2017

Cambridge English, storyfun 3, student's book, second edition, Saxby K., 2017.

Take your children into a world of reading fun with these full colour lively stories! Each is a springboard for language practice with activities to check comprehension and more.
• Take learning to the next level with new Songs, Speaking Practice and Projects.
• Enjoy English with the family using the Home Fun Booklet.
• Boost confidence with key grammar, vocabulary and skills for Cambridge English: Starters.
• Introduce learners to Cambridge English; Starters test-style tasks.
• Promote values such as well-being, social awareness and resilience, as well as management of emotions.
• Save time with step-by-step guidance and extra photocopiable materials in the Teachers Book.

Cambridge English, storyfun 3, student's book, second edition, Saxby K., 2017

Jack and the penguins.

Mr. Parks works at Waterfall Zoo.
His son, Jack, doesn't know a lot about the zoo.
But Jack loves animals and he really enjoys learning about them.
'Can I help you at the zoo today, Dad?' Jack asks. 'Yes!' answers Dad.
'You can feed and wash some of the animals.'

Jack and his dad are in the zoo kitchen now.
'Right!' says Dad. 'I'm getting the food/or the sharks and the dolphins now. That's outside.'
'OKI' Jack answers. 'Can I feed the bats, the giraffes and the zebras?
Oh! And the kangaroos?

'No. Sorry, Jack. Feed our tea penguins first, please.'
'Great! I love penguins!' Jack says.
'Me too!' says his father. 'Their food is in that big grey cupboard.
But Jack isn't looking in the big grey cupboard. He's looking in the big blue cupboard.


1. Jack and the penguins.
2. Jog the alien.
3. My friend Meg.
4. High five!
5. The monster under my bed!
6. What a great grandmother!
7. The old man and the jungle.
8. Henry's holiday.
9. Let's have fun! Let's speak!
10. Let's say!
11. Wordlist.

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