Complete first, Teacher’s book, Brook-Hart G., 2014

Complete first, teacher's book, second edition, Brook-Hart G., 2014.

Complete first Second Edition is an enjoyable and motivating topic-based course designed to give a thorough preparation for the revised Cambridge English. It is particularly suitable for teenagers and young adults. It offers:
• stimulating authentic reading texts, providing training in the reading techniques and strategies needed to deal with exam reading tasks
• listening tasks, providing practice with strategies for handling exam listening tasks
• a systematic approach to exam speaking tasks, providing models for students to follow and clear outcomes for improved exam performance
• many opportunities for personalization, with further speaking activities
• a step-by-step approach to writing tasks, with models to work from and sample answers
• comprehensive coverage of all major grammar areas tested in the Cambridge English: First exam. These are supported by work on correcting common grammar mistakes made by exam candidates, as revealed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus
• vocabulary input based on information from the English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. The EVP, which is part of English Profile, is funded mainly by 

Complete first, teacher's book, second edition, Brook-Hart G., 2014

Unit objectives.

• Reading and Use of English Part 6: introduction to task type; skimming for main idea; using referencing and subject matter to place sentences.
• Reading and Use of English Part 2: introduction to task type; skimming for general ideas.
• Writing Part 1: introduction to task type; planning and writing an essay; expressing personal opinions; using although, however, on the other hand and whereas.
• Listening Part 1: introduction to task type; identifying key ideas in questions; listening for gist and for specific information; asking questions.
• Speaking Part 1: introduction to task type; giving personal information and personal opinions; giving extended answers.
• Pronunciation: word stress.
• Vocabulary: phrasal verbs, e.g. get on with, do up, etc.; adjectives describing personality and behaviour; collocations describing housework; collocations with make and do; phrases to describe districts and neighbourhoods.
• Grammar: contrasting present perfect simple and continuous.


1 A family affair.
2 Leisure and pleasure.
3 Happy holidays?
4 Food, glorious food.
5 Study time.
6 My first job.
7 High adventure.
8 Dream of the stars.
9 Secrets of the mind.
10 Spend, spend, spend?
11 Medical matters.
12 Animal kingdom.
13 House space.
14 Fiesta!

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