This book will help you learn around 1, 250 new words and phrases. You can use the book yourself, without a teacher. You can do the units in any order you like. If you have the edition with the ebook, you can listen to the pronunciation of all the new vocabulary, and highlight text. see page 171 for more information about the ebook.

To the teacher.
This book can be used in class or as a self-study book. It is intended for learners at A1–A2 levels of the Council of Europe scale. It aims to take learners with a very basic level of vocabulary to a point where they can use approximately 2,000 words and phrases and teaches them around 1, 250 new words and phrases. The vocabulary has been chosen for its usefulness in everyday situations, and we consulted a written and spoken corpus of present-day English to help us decideonthewordsandphrases tobeincluded.Thenewvocabulary (onaverage20–30items per unit) is presentedwithphotosor illustrationsandexplanationsonthe left-handpage,and thereareexercisesandactivitiesonthe right handpage.ThereisanAnswerkeyandanIndex with pronunciation for all thekey vocabulary.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: McCarthy :: O’Dell
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