A New University English Grammar, грамматика современного английского языка, Емельянова О.В., Зеленщиков А.В., Петрова Е.С., 2003

A New University English Grammar, грамматика современного английского языка, Емельянова О.В., Зеленщиков А.В., Петрова Е.С., 2003.

В данной книге, являющейся учебником нового типа, представлен университетский курс грамматики английского языка. Вопросы практического узуса (Textbook) рассматриваются с позиций современной лингвистики. Отмечаются многие явления морфологии и синтаксиса, до сих пор не получившие адекватного описания, а также различия между британским и американским вариантами английского языка. Упражнения (Exercises) ориентированы на современное состояние английского языка и составлены в соответствии с требованиями отечественной и зарубежной методики преподавания и тестирования языковых знаний.
Для лиц, профессионально занимающихся английским языком: студентов-филологов, аспирантов, преподавателей.

A New University English Grammar, грамматика современного английского языка, Емельянова О.В., Зеленщиков А.В., Петрова Е.С., 2003


As any part of speech, the noun, or substantive, is established on the basis of semantic (notional), morphological, and syntactic criteria. Thus, nouns have been notionally defined as names of things, persons and places. This semantic definition is clearly inadequate because it excludes, for example, a number of words which denote abstract ideas but behave grammatically and morphologically in the same way as names of things: occupation, friendship, movement, existence, etc. In more general terms, the noun may be taken to be a name of something that is viewed as substance or an object.
The morphological characteristics of nouns include two categories: the category of number (singular and plural) though some nouns may lack either the singular or the plural form; and the category of case (common and genitive). The grammatical category of gender is now considered extinct for it is hardly ever expressed by grammatical means.
The syntactic properties of nouns can be subdivided into two types: their methods of combining with other words, and their functions in the sentence. Nouns combine with other words to produce noun phrases.
As head of a noun phrase, a noun combines with determiners (the boy; these few books), a preceding adjective (large room), or occasionally with a following adjective (time immemorial), with a preceding noun in either the common case (iron bar) or in the genitive case (father's room). Occasionally a noun may combine with a following or preceding adverb (the man there; the then president). It may also combine with prepositions (in a house) and it may be postmodif ied by a prepositional phrase (the roof of a house) or a relative clause (the man I met yesterday). In a sentence a noun (noun phrase) may function as subject, object, predicative, attribute or adverbial modifier; it is also used as vocative (direct address).



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