Up Up, teachers book, 10 класс, Тимофеев В.Г.

Up Up, teachers book, 10 класс, Тимофеев В.Г.

Авторы учебного комплекса выражают искреннюю благодарность за сделанный вами выбор. Мы убеждены, что совместная работа позволит получить замечательные результаты.
Вы начинаете знакомство с нашим комплексом, поэтому мы рекомендуем прочитать данный вступительный раздел, в котором содержатся как общие сведения, так и некоторые конкретные рекомендации по работе с учебным комплексом.
Учебно-методический комплекс (УМ К) нового поколения для изучения английского языка в 10 классе на базовом уровне основан на федеральном компоненте Государственного стандарта среднего (полного) общего образования и концепции профильного обучения.

Up Up, teachers book, 10 класс, Тимофеев В.Г.

Anything for a Laugh.

1. Melody Williams
I took up scotch tape art about two years ago. My creations include shoes, cards, clocks, picture frames and even sculptures.This hobby is completely original. You need imagination and a creative outlook. I enjoy this hobby because now I can say there are things in my life I have made myself. Once I made a model of Shakespeare's theatre, which is now a home for my pet turtle.
Most people aren't quite sure about their attitude to my hobby. They laugh and mock at me. They say the scotch tape is sticky and you can have a lot of problems with it. But I think it's no problem at all if you enjoy the things you do.
2. Tracy Wallace
Collecting is a popular pastime for many people. I collect valentine cards and postcards, but collecting plastic spoons is really interesting and unusual. I think it's fun to have something like that. My first one comes from the plane when I first travelled with my parents to Italy. Now 1 have dozens — white, blue, yellow — different colours and shapes. The most difficult thing about collecting such things is to make your mother believe that they are clean. I have to keep her from throwing them away. And she always says that they are all over the place although I keep them in boxes and label them, which takes a lot of time. I usually don't tell people about my hobby, but when I do, they act as if 1 am crazy.


Intro Unit.
Let's Start!.
Who's Who?.
Unit 2.
East or West.
Unit 3.
Time Changes Places.
Project Page for Units 1-3: Designing a Poster.
Unit 4.
Down Memory Lane.
Unit 5.
Your True Stories.
Unit 6.
Isn't It Surprising?.
Project Page for Units 4-6: Making a Radio Programme.
Unit 7.
Out and About.
unit a
Time to Come.
Unit 9. Your Way.
Project Page for Units 7-9: Making a Website.
Final Unit.
Revision Board Game.
Workbook Answer Key.
Progress Tests Answer Key.
Final Tests Answer Key.
Примерное поурочное планирование (Student's Book, Unit 1).
Тематическое планирование.

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