Barron s, IELTS, The Leader in Test Preparation, Lougheed Lin, 2016

Barron's, IELTS, The Leader in Test Preparation, Lougheed Lin, 2016.
  Directions in the model tests used with permission of the IELTS partners. The chart on page 6 is reprinted from the IELTS Handbook with permission of the IELTS partners.
The author gratefully acknowledges the comments and suggestions of ELT teachers and IELTS administrators around the world. The suggestions of Mary Hernandez of ELS Language Center, Santa Monica, California, have been especially helpful. The author would also like to thank Elisabeth Gillstrom of ELS Language Centers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, for her assistance.

Barron's, IELTS, The Leader in Test Preparation, Lougheed Lin, 2016

What features will James get with his apartment?
A study
B balcony
C garage parking space4
D storage space
E exercise club
F fireplace
G washing machine.

Find the answers to Who? What? VVhen? Where? and Why?
Who are the speakers?
What are they talking about?
When is something happening?
Where is something happening?
Why are they having a conversation?

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