Английский язык профессионального общения, Реклама, Малюга Е.Н., 2015

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Английский язык профессионального общения, Реклама, Малюга Е.Н., 2015.

Учебник нацелен на формирование иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной компетенции у студентов нелингвистических вузов, а также ее компонентов, способствующих иноязычному общению в профессиональных, деловых, научных сферах и ситуациях с учетом особенностей профессионального мышления, что позволит студентам находиться в курсе теоретических разработок ведущих зарубежных специалистов. Для студентов экономических вузов, прошедших базовую подготовку, включающую аспект английский язык для профессионально-делового общения, и владеющих английским языком на уровне В1-В2.

Английский язык профессионального общения, Реклама, Малюга Е.Н., 2015

Read the text and find out if you guessed correctly.
Purposes of advertising.
Companies use advertising to increase sales. A company hopes that the extra profit made from the sale of goods will be greater than the costs of advertising.
Everybody knows brand names through advertising. Examples of brand names or trade marks arc Persil washing powder and Nescafe coffee. Companies use brand names to try and make their goods look different and better compared with those of other companies. A company will register a brand name so that the name cannot be used by any other companies.

Consumers understand that new products are different and better compared with the products which arc on sale at the moment. Advertisements give information. Some of them give information about the prices of goods and the shops which sell particular goods. The Government use advertising to give details of, for example, changes in dental charges and National Insurance contributions. The public advertise when they use the 'small-ads' columns in newspapers to sell second-hand goods, and small firms advertise services such as plumbing or painting and decorating. In the system of mass production and mass consumption the relations between the producer and the consumer are no longer direct. The wholesaler and the retailer come in between. Hence, the desired action of the advertiser could be to secure and retain wholesalers and retailers for its product.

UNIT 1. Advertising
UNIT 2. Marketing and the Place of Advertising within It
UNIT 3. The Role of Integrated Marketing Communications in the Marketing Process
UNIT 4. Organising for Advertising and Promotion: The Role of Marketing Communication Organisations
UNIT 5. Brands
UNIT 6. Perspectives on Consumer Behaviour
UNIT 7. The Communication Process
UNIT 8. Source, Message and Channel Factors
UNIT 9. Establishing Objectives for the Promotional Programme
UNIT 10. The Importance of Creativity in Advertising
UNIT II. Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation
UNIT 12. Media Planning and Strategy
UNIT 13. Advantages of Television
UNIT 14. Evaluation of Print Media
UNIT 15. Support Media
UNIT 16. Direct Marketing
UNIT 17. The Internet and Interactive Media
UNIT 18. The Scope and Role of Sales Promotion
UNIT 19. Public Relations, Publicity and Corporate Advertising
UNIT 20. Personal Selling
Glossary of Advertisers’ Professional Jargon.

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