Basic english grammar, Teacher’s Guide, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Stacy A.H., 2006

Basic english grammar, Third Edition, Teacher's Guide, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Stacy A.Hagen, 2006.
  This Teacher's Guide is intended as a practical aid to teachers. In it, you will find notes on the content of each unit, suggestions for exercises and classroom activities, and answers to the exercises.

Basic english grammar, Third Edition, Teacher's Guide, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Stacy A.Hagen, 2006

This chapter presents very simple sentences for near-beginners. The assumption is that all students of this textbook can read words in English and that the teacher can both model and monitor good spoken and written English.

The purpose of the lessons in Chapter 1 is to give learners basic phrases for exchanging information with other speakers of English. Thus, they begin by getting acquainted with each other. Then the text presents simple statements of definition and description and introduces a basic vocabulary of nouns and adjectives. Negative verb phrases and contractions are also presented early so that learners get plenty of practice with them throughout the course. A few prepositions of place are also illustrated and practiced.

For general teaching suggestions and techniques, see the Introduction to this Teacher's Guide.

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