Строительные конструкции, Building Constructions, Романова О.Н., Долинская А.В., 2014

Строительные конструкции, Building Constructions, Романова О.Н., Долинская А.В., 2014.

  Содержатся аутентичные неадаптированные тексты, посвященные новым тенденциям в области строительства, способствующие выработке у студентов умений и навыков чтения и перевода научно-технической литературы по изучаемой специальности, а также говорения на английском языке в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.
Для студентов 2-го курса строительных и архитектурных специальностей, аспирантов, соискателей.

Строительные конструкции, Building Constructions, Романова О.Н., Долинская А.В., 2014

Typically, the behavior of reinforced concrete beams is studied by full-scale experimental investigators. The results are compared to theoretical calculations that estimate deflections and internal stress/strain distributions within beams. Finite element analysis can also be used to model the behavior numerically to confirm these calculations, as well as to provide valuable supplement to the laboratory investigations, particularly in parametric studies. Finite element dividing it into a number of simple elements, each of which has well-defined mechanical an psychical properties.

Modeling the complex behavior of reinforced concrete, which is both nonhomogeneous and anisotropic, is difficult challenge in the finite element analysis of civil engineering structures. Most early finite element models of reinforced concrete included the effects of cracking based on pre-defined crack pattern. With this approach, changes in the technology of the models were required as the load increased; therefore, the ease and speed of analysis were limited. A smeared cracking approach was introduced using isoparametric formulations to represent the cracked concrete as an orthotropic material. In the smeared cracking approach, cracking of the concrete occurs when the principal tensile stress exceeds the ultimate tensile strength. The elastic modulus of the material is then assumed to be zero in the direction parallel to the principal tensile stress direction.

Part 1
1. Importance of FRP retrofit for reinforced concrete structures
2. Computer modeling of FRP-strengthened structures
3. Scope of computer modeling
4. Modeling full-size reinforced concrete beams
5. Material properties of concrete for FRP structures
6. Steel reinforcement and steel plates
7. FRP composites
8. Geometry of FRP
9. Finite element discretization
Part 2
10. Polishing (metalworking)
11. Polishing process
12. Polishing equipment
13. Diamond wire cutting
14. Bonded abrasives
15. Raw materials of the grinding instruments
16. The properties of the abrasives instruments
17. The hardness of the abrasive instruments
18. Grinding
19. Types of grinding processes
20. Selecting the best grinding wheel
21. Abrasive
22. Mechanics of abrasion.

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