Обучение чтению экономической литературы на английском языке, часть 3, Иванова Л.А., Кузнецова Т.И., Савина Т.Т., 2009

Обучение чтению экономической литературы на английском языке, Часть 3, Иванова Л.А., Кузнецова Т.И., Савина Т.Т., 2009.

  Пособие состоит из трех разделов - уроков. Каждый урок содержит основной текст, дополнительные тексты для поискового чтения, упражнения на активизацию лексического и грамматического материала, англо-русский словарь.
Для студентов младших курсов факультета «Инженерный бизнес и менеджмент».

Обучение чтению экономической литературы на английском языке, Часть 3, Иванова Л.А., Кузнецова Т.И., Савина Т.Т., 2009

Failure is Glorious.
Alberto Alessi transformed his family’s housewares business into a trendsetting (модный) design giant. His secret: walking the borderline between success and failure. Because that’s where your next big breakthrough will come from.

Alessi, 54, has followed that very advice ever since he took the reins of the family business in 1970. His partnerships with some of the world’s best designers have transformed this 80-year-old company from housewares supplier to design leader. But Alessi is just proud of his flops. It’s the duds that enjoy centre stage in the company’s private museum, where Alessi’s designers meet weekly to discuss new projects. He has even published a book of prototypes that never made it to production.

Fortunately, most of the products created by Alessi’s 200 designers are winners. The Alessi ‘dream factory’ of 500 workers, which Alberto runs with brothers Michele and Alessio, has over the past decade raised sales by around 15 per cent a year, to $100 million today.

Now, having conquered our kitchens, Alessi is looking at our cell phones, watches and maybe even our cars. How will he do it? By walking along the border between the ‘possible and the not possible’. In an interview at the Alessi factory he explained how to fail in style.

Unit 7
Text 7A. Research and Development
Text 7B. Product Development at Cafbury
Text 7C. By the Bucket
Text 7D. Southern Comfort, Eastern Promise
Essenfial Vocabulary
Unit 8
Text 8A. Protection of Ideas
Text 8B. The Harrods Case  
Text 8C. Failure in Glorious
Essential Vocabulary  
Unit 9
Text 9A. The Competitive Structure of the Industry
Text 9B. Holiday Price War
Text 9C. Smokelen Elan steam on
Text 9D. Aspirin-sized Bug Gives Car Thieves a Headache.

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