Английские монархи, Бурова И.И., 1997

Английские монархи, Бурова И.И., 1997.

   Книга «Английские монархи», продолжающая серию «Увлекательный английский», знакомит с биографиями всех королей и королев, правивших Англией с 828 года по настоящее время. В этих биографиях перед читателем разворачивается история английской монархии, которая уходит корнями в далекое прошлое и неразрывно связана с историей страны. Она знает немало славных страниц и трагических эпизодов, с ней связаны различные легенды и предания. Книга написана простым, доступным языком и снабжена словарём. Она иллюстрирована портретами английских монархов.
Издание адресовано широкому кругу читателей — тем, кто изучает английский язык и интересуется английской историей.

Английские монархи, Бурова И.И., 1997

Edgar the Peaceful was chosen king after the death of his elder brother, King Edwy. He ruled England form 959 to 975. Unlike his brother, King Edgar did much for the prosperity of his subjects, and was called the true heir of Alfred the Great.

Edgar was only thirteen years old when he became king. He wanted to become a great ruler and needed good councillors to help him. One of his first acts was to recall Dunstan exiled by Edwy. The young king subsequently made Dunstan Bishop of Worcester and London and Archbishop of Canterbury. Together with Dunstan, Edgar turned his attention to furthering the education and revival of cultural and religious life which Alfred the Great had begun. Their work was very fruitful. Besides, Edgar was the first king after Alfred the Great who did not have to wage wars with his neighbours.

Edgar's reign was also notable for the establishment of national consolidation. He also introduced many good laws and improved his fleet to defend the English coasts against the invaders.

Aethelwulf’s sons: Alfred the Great
Edward the Elder
Edmund I
Edred and Edwy the Fair
Edgar the Peaceful
Sons of Edgar the Peaceful: Edward
the Martyr and Aethelred II the Unready
Edmund II Ironside and Canute II
the Dane
Sons of Canute the Dane: Harold Harefoot
and Hardecanute
Edward the Confessor and Harold II
William the Conqueror
The Conqueror’s Sons: William II Rufus
and Henry I
Henry II
Richard I the Lion Heart
John Lackland
Henry III  
Edward I Longshanks
Edward II
Edward III and Edward, the Black Prince
Richard II
Henry IV
Henry V
Henry VI
Edward IV and Edward V
Richard III
Henry VII Tudor
Henry VIII
Edward VI
Mary I
Elizabeth I
James I
Charles I
Charles II
James II
William III and Mary II
George I
George II
George III
George IV
William IV
Edward VII
George V
Edward VIII
George VI
Elizabeth II
The English monarchs.

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