Английский язык, 10 класс, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2006

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Английский язык, 10 класс, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2006.

  Учебно-методический комплект для X класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей авторов О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой состоит из:
• учебника
• книги для чтения
• книги для учителя
• рабочей тетради
Все компоненты этой серии соответствуют требованиям государственных образовательных стандартов и действующих школьных программ.

Английский язык, 10 класс, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2006

Find in the text the words which mean the following:
1) to study sth closely
2) to take sth in gradually
3) straight up
4) to have the most important noticeable place
5) with furniture in it
6) a person who works on the land
7) a person who helps another person to do wrong
8) special, distinctive
9) extremely unnaturally bright
10) important, meaningful
11) not near any others, separated
12) some liquid poured or dropped on a surface
13) practising the dishonest use of power and position

Say when people experience the following feelings or behave in the following way. Give examples.
1. pore over something with delight
2. breathe something in
3. miss something
4. gasp
5. have a shock
6. find something impossible to put into words
7. catch one’s breath
8. feel amazed
9. feel a lump in one’s throat.

UNIT ONE. Man the Creator
Listening Comprehension
Use of English Vocabulary
Grammar. Revision: Pronoun
New Material: Pronoun “One” Revision: Noun New Material: Noun
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing: Writing a Description Miscellaneous Project Work
UNIT TWO. Man the Believer
Listening Comprehension
Use of English Vocabulary
Grammar. Revision:
Adverbs and Adjectives
New Material: Adjectives New Material: Adverbs
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing Miscellaneous Project Work
UNIT THREE. Man - the Child of Nature
Listening Comprehension
Use of English
Grammar. Revision: Verb (finite forms)
New Material:
Verbs with two objects
New Material: Ergative verbs
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing: Narrations (Narratives) Miscellaneous Project Work
UNIT FOUR. Man - the Seeker of Happiness
Listening Comprehension Reading Use of English Vocabulary
Revision: Verb (non-finite forms)
New Material:
Phrases with the infinitive
New Material:
Structures with have+V or Ving
Topical Vocabulary Creative Writing Miscellaneous Project Work
Grammar Reference Topical Vocabulary English-Russian Vocabulary.

Купить книгу Английский язык, 10 класс, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2006 .

Купить книгу Английский язык, 10 класс, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2006 .
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