Hot Topics 1 - Cheryl Pavlik

Название: Hot Topics 1.

Автор: Cheryl Pavlik.


In the 30 years that I have been in English language training (ELT), I have despaired of the lack of stimulating reading texts, accompanied by activities written specifically to energize and inspire the mature English learner. Why aren't many ESL reading texts sufficient? Although ESL learners may not yet have mastered English syntax, they still have interests beyond the mundane, and they certainly have ample reasoning ability. And while many reading texts are written about subjects of broad appeal, virtually all of them avoid topics that are deemed "too controversial" for the classroom setting. Unfortunately, many of those neglected topics are of great interest and relevance to adult lives. By steering course themes away from controversy, the instrucror also steers students away from motivating and stimulating topics.

Hot Topics 1 - Cheryl Pavlik

HOT Topics 1 is different from other reading and discussion texts because it dares to deal with demanding subjects such as glullony and cultural ideas if beauty. These topics have not been chosen to shock students, but merely to give them a chance to talk about matters that people discuss every day in their first language. That said, not every topic will be appropriate for every classroom. Some themes such as intelligence will probably be acceptable in any classroom. Others such as Las Vegas or DrugTrends might prove problematic in some teaching situations.

Hot Topics 1
Brief Contents
Contents iv
To the Teacher vi
Chapter 1 Pampered Pens: Love me? Love my dog! 1
Chapter 2 Silly Sports: Can you really call this a sport? 13
Chapter 3 Modern Marriage: Until death do us part? 25
Chapter 4 Shopping: The new drug of choice 37
Chapter 5 Las Vegas: Sin City 49
Chapter 6 Shoplifting: Why is the price tag still on your hat? 61
Chapter 7 Gluttony: You are what you eat! 73
Chapter 8 Get-Rich-Quick Scams: Have I got a deal for YOU! 84
Chapter 9 Sports Doping: Does it matter if you win or lose? 96
Chapter 10 White-Collar Crime: When А LOT just isn't enough! 108
Chapter 11 The Homeless: Its not their choice 121
Chapter 12 Beauty Contests: The business of beauty 132
Chapter 13 Drug Trends: Legal but lethal 144
Chapter 14 Nature: Paradise Lost-Can we get it back? 156
Appendix CNN Video Activities 169

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