Easier English Student Dictionary

Название: Easier English Student Dictionary.


    The fully revised and updated edition of this bestselling general English dictionary is especially useful for those working towards FCE (First Certificate Examination), and IELTS (International English Language Testing System) examinations. The new edition includes 28,000 expressions used in international English. The selection is based on word-frequency counts and analyses of the CAT (Certificate in Advanced English) exam syllabuses. Entries include examples from everyday speech, irregular forms, derived words, differences between English and American usage, and help with confusable words (e.g. insure and ensure). Encyclopedic comments highlight historical and cultural terms (Guy Fawkes, Pancake Day) and technical terms such as the periodic table, the metric system and greenhouse gases.
-35,000 entries provide clear, up-to-date terms and expressions used in British, American and International English
-Terms defined in clear, simple English, using our 1,500-word limited defining vocabulary
-Each entry includes part of speech, phonetic pronunciation guides and example sentences showing how terms are used.

Easier English Student Dictionary

By 2050. it is estimated that fifty percent of the world's population will have some competence in English. Many of these people will regard themselves as improvers rather than learners and will have only occasional need to quickly check the meaning of a word in a dictionary.
This dictionary is a portable, easy-to-use quick reference tool for a large number of words and phrases, rather than a substitute for the detailed guidance of a grammar or course book. It includes commonlv heard terms, with an indication of their rele-vant frequency, and many more terms from the worlds of work and communication and of modern society generally.

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