Автор: Richard Spears.
More than 5,500 American idioms are illustrated by at least two examples of usage each and are organized by theme, topic, or meaning to make this "thesaurus of idioms" easy and fast for ESL learners to use. Includes an alphabetical index.
Словарь американских идиом, в котором все идиомы сгруппированы по тематическим категориям. Словарь содержит более 5500 идиом с примерами их использования в речи.
Отличие данного словаря от NTC's American Idioms Dictionary того же автора в том, что здесь идиоматические выражения сгруппированы по тематическим категориям, а не бесхитростно перечислены в алфавитном порядке. Однако сами тематические категории, список которых вы обнаружите на первых страницах этого справочного издания, перечислены в алфавитном порядке.

Most of the world's languages have phrases or sentences that cannot be understood literally. Even if you know all the words in a phrase and understand all the grammar of the phrase completely, the meaning may still be elusive. A phrase or sentence of this type is said to be idiomatic. Many proverbs, informal phrases, and common sayings are idiomatic, and offer special problems to readers, writers, and language learners. This dictionary is a collection of the idiomatic phrases and sentences that occur frequently in American English.
The idiomatic expressions in this dictionary are arranged according to theme. There is a list of themes on page vii. Writers and students seeking an idiomatic way of expressing something can easily find likely candidates by using the themes to locate a selection of expressions.
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