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    Highlights common mistakes students make and explains how to avoid them. Includes KET-style exercises to familiarise students with the format of the exam.

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    Издательство. Cambridge ; Направление учебной литературы. Изучение иностранных языков ; ISBN. 978-0-521-69248-9 ; Автор. Driscoll L. ; Год издания. 2007.

  3. Liz Driscoll "Common Mistakes at KET… and How to Avoid Them ...

    Liz Driscoll "Common Mistakes at KET… and How to Avoid Them Paperback with Testbank". Нет отзывов. Нет в продаже. О товаре. Издательство. Cambridge. ISBN.

  4. Driscoll Liz. Common Mistakes at KET with Testbank ...

    Based on analysis of over 10,000 exam papers, this book helps you avoid the most common mistakes made by real learners. Now with Testbank to maximise your ...

  5. Common mistakes at PET… and how to avoid them (Liz ...

    Highlights common mistakes students make and explains how to avoid them. Includes PET-style exercises to familiarise students with the format of the exam.

  6. Common Mistakes at KET PB
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    Автор: Driscoll Liz; Издательство ... This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them.

  7. Common Mistakes at KET Paperback with Testbank

    Based on analysis of over 10,000 exam papers, this book helps you avoid the most common mistakes made by real learners. Now with Testbank to maximise your ...

  8. Think. Students Book 2. B1

    KET (+CD) ... Informed by the Cambridge English Corpus, the course reflects real language usage and 'Get it right' sections help students avoid common mistakes.


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