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Какая цена на книгу Destination B1, Grammar and Vocabulary, With Answer Key, Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S.

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    Destination Grammar is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take any B2 level exam. There are 28 units within the book ...

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    Destination B1: Grammar and Vocabulary has been designed for intermediate students ... Mann, M, Taylore-Knowles, S. Год издания. 2008. Переплет. Мягкий. Все ...

  3. Destination. Grammar and Vocabulary. B2. Student Book ...

    A modern, three-level series focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ideal for students at intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced level. The up-to-date ...

  4. Destination. B1 Pre-Intermediate. Student Book with Key

    The book contains 28 grammar units and 14 vocabulary units covering a ... Malcolm Mann | Steve Taylore-Knowles. Предмет. Иностранный язык. Год издания.

  5. Destination C1 & C2 Student's Book Without Key

    Destination C1 & C2: Grammar and Vocabulary is the ideal grammar and vocabulary ... Malcolm Mann | Steve Taylore-Knowles. Предмет. Английский язык. Год издания.

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    Издательство: Macmillan Education ; Оригинальное название: Учебник с ответами ; Год издания: 2023 ; Cерия: Destination ; Авторы/составители: Mann Malcolm · Taylore- ...

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