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Какая цена на книгу Collins Common Errors in English, 2013- Collins Common Errors in English

Общие характеристики ; ISBN. 978-0-00-750612-5 ; Язык. Английский ; Год издания. 2013 ; Количество страниц. 192 ; Переплет. Мягкий.
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"Collins Common Errors in English" — купить в интернет-магазине undefined на Яндекс Маркете. Доставка на дом или в ближайший пункт выдачи.
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Collins Common Errors in English ; Рейтинг товара: 5 из 55. 25 оценок. Цена с картой Яндекс Пэй 1 245 ₽ вместо 1 258. 1 245 ; Рейтинг товара: 5 из 55. 21 оценка.
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Focussing on the most common errors in English, this book is the easiest way to improve your everyday language skills. Using simple explanations and corpus ...
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A lower-level exam practice book designed to improve the level of students who plan to take the IELTS test in the future.Collins Get Ready for IELTS Reading ...
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A lower-level exam practice book designed to improve the level of students who plan to take the IELTS test in the future.Collins Get Ready for IELTS Speaking is ...
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A good knowledge of collocations (typical word combinations) is essential for fluent and natural-sounding English, and knowledge of collocations is often ...
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This book presents and practises hundreds of collocations in typical contexts and is ideal for intermediate level students and above who want to take their ...
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Общие характеристики ; ISBN. 978-0-00-750612-5 ; Язык. Английский ; Год издания. 2013 ; Количество страниц. 192 ; Переплет. Мягкий.
"Collins Common Errors in English" — купить в интернет-магазине undefined на Яндекс Маркете. Доставка на дом или в ближайший пункт выдачи.
Collins Common Errors in English ; Рейтинг товара: 5 из 55. 25 оценок. Цена с картой Яндекс Пэй 1 245 ₽ вместо 1 258. 1 245 ; Рейтинг товара: 5 из 55. 21 оценка.
Focussing on the most common errors in English, this book is the easiest way to improve your everyday language skills. Using simple explanations and corpus ...
A lower-level exam practice book designed to improve the level of students who plan to take the IELTS test in the future.Collins Get Ready for IELTS Reading ...
A lower-level exam practice book designed to improve the level of students who plan to take the IELTS test in the future.Collins Get Ready for IELTS Speaking is ...
A good knowledge of collocations (typical word combinations) is essential for fluent and natural-sounding English, and knowledge of collocations is often ...
This book presents and practises hundreds of collocations in typical contexts and is ideal for intermediate level students and above who want to take their ...
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2, Don't use no double negatives. ; 3, Verbs has got to agree with their subjects. ; 4, Don't write run-on sentences they are hard to read. ; 5, About them ...
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The Exclamation Mark! Avoiding Catastrophes with Apostrophes. Quotation Marks. Punctuation Pot-pourri: ellipsis, asterisks, bullets, strokes and typographical ...
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I don't understand, No entiendo no en-tyen-do ; Do you understand? ¿Entiende? ¿en-tyen-de? ; Do you speak English? ¿Habla inglés? ¿a-bla eengles? ; I speak very ...
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In all but final syllables, and in y, yr (the), fy (my), dy (thy), yn, yng, ym (in), the adverbial yn, the preverbal and relative particle y, yr (y'm, y'th etc) ...
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HarperCollins does not warrant that any website mentioned in this title will be provided uninterrupted, than any website will be error free, that defects will ...
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HarperCollins does not warrant that any website mentioned in this title will be provided uninterrupted, than any website will be error free, that defects will ...
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