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    ... informal, direct and indirect, friendly and polite. - A new social media... Читать полностью. Новое издание популярного учебного пособия Email English ...

  2. Louis-Ferdinand Celine: Journey to the End of the Night

    First published in 1932, Journey to the End of the Night was immediately acclaimed as a masterpiece and a turning point in French literature. Told in the ...

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    Scandal at the Midsummer Ball. Suitable matches or salacious seductions? The Duke and Duchess of Brockmore are hosting the event of the Season—and arranging ...

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    1. The Universities and the Friars. Roger Bacon. · 2. The Guilds and Fairs. · 3. The Jews in England. Arrival, Special Laws, Famous Jews in English history. · 4.

  3. Res Judicatæ: Papers and Essays», Birrell Augustine

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  5. Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt: The Story of a Mother and ...

    Sixteen-year-old Alva was utterly distraught. 'I was broken hearted that I must leave France. I was in sympathy with everything there. This musical language had ...

  6. The Guns of Europe», Altsheler Joseph Alexander

    "How?" "It's a secret for the present, confined to me. But trust me! can't you?" His speech had glided from French into English so good that it was colloquial, ...

  7. The Punster's Pocket-book», Westmacott Charles Molloy

    BERNARD BLACKMANTLE,. Author of the English Spy, Editor of The Spirit of the Public Journals, &c. &c. THE FRONTISPIECE. Portrait of his Majesty George the ...

  8. The Connecticut Wits and Other Essays

    French as worthy to rank with Horace Walpole's. ... Letter writing is sometimes described as a colloquial art. ... Perkins' Ball,” where the Mulligan of ...

  9. The Maddest and Baddest Sportsmen on the Planet ...

    Sport spawns individualists of huge self-confidence whose desire to win is so strong that they push their minds and bodies to the outer fringes of sanity. It ...

  10. Letters of a Diplomat's Wife, 1883-1900

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