Fowler is a household name in all English-speaking countries and for over sixty years Modern English Usage has been the standard work on the correct but natural use of English. Its influence has extended even to the battlefield: Churchill wrote to the Director of Military Intelligence about the plans for the invasion of Normandy, Why must you write intensive here? Intense is the right word. You should read Fowler's Modern English Usage on the use of the two words.'

ablutions seems to be emerging from the class of PEDANTIC HUMOUR, which is its only fitting place outside religious ceremonial, to claim serious recognition as a FORMAL WORD. This should not be conceded. Though we have prudishly created unnecessary difficulty for ourselves by denying to the word lavatory its proper meaning, we still have wash-place and do not need monstrosities like a. facilities, a. cubicles, and mobile a. centres.
aborigines. The word being still usually pronounced with a consciousness that it is Latin (i.e. with -êz), the sing, aborigine (-nê) is felt to be anomalous and avoided or disliked; the adj. aboriginal used as a noun is the best singular.
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Теги: словарь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Fowler
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