Английский язык, 5 класс, Рабочая тетрадь, Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В., 2011.
Фрагмент из книги.
On Saturday at the end of July the Browns decided to spend their weekend in Brighton. Everything was wonderful. They enjoyed their holiday very much. The next week on Sunday they went to Dover. Everything was terrible.

Write what you did (didn't do) yesterday.
1) work in the garden
2) read a newspaper
3) write a letter to granny
4) explain a grammar rule to my friend
5) clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner
6) spend three hours outdoors
7) wash shirts in a washing machine.
Think of your last holiday and write answers to the following questions:
1) Where did you spend your holidays?
2) When did you go there?
3) Why did you go there?
4) With whom did you travel?
5) What did you do there?
Round-up Lessons.
Personal Identification (Lesson 1).
Daily Life (Lesson 2).
Free Time (Lesson 3).
Travelling (Lesson 4).
So Many Countries, So Many Customs (Lesson 5).
Basic Course.
The World Around Us (Lessons 6—11).
The Geography and Political Outlook of the UK (Lessons 12—14).
Health and Body Care (Lessons 15—18).
Sports and Games (Lessons 19—20).
Shopping (Lessons 21—23).
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Теги: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Верещагина :: Афанасьева :: 5 класс
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