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ЕГЭ 2024, Английский язык, Типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Вербицкая М.В.

Фрагмент из книги.
The Romans at first believed that the rose was useful as a source of natural medicines. Soon, the beautiful flowers became necessities at Roman festivals. Roman emperors demanded that their baths be filled with rose water, and they reclined on carpets of rose petals during their feasts. Perfumes made from roses became a high-priority treasure for the ruling elite, and it resulted in hardships among the peasant class, who were forced to grow roses instead of cultivating much needed food.

ЕГЭ 2024, английский язык, типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Вербицкая М.В.

Slow down climate change.
Rising sea levels. Raging storms. Searing heat. Ferocious fires. Severe drought. Punishing floods. The effects of climate change are already threatening our health, our communities, our economy, and our children’s future.

What can you do? A whole lot, as it turns out. Americans, on average, produce 21 tons of carbon a year, about four times the global average. Personal action is, of course, no substitute for meaningful government policies. We still must limit carbon pollution and move away from dirty fossil fuels and toward cleaner power.

But it’s important to remember the equally vital contributions that can be made by private citizens — which is to say, by you. “Change only happens when individuals take action,” says clean energy advocate Emily Dain. “There’s no other way, if it doesn’t start with people.” Here are some easy, effective ways each one of us can make a difference.

First, weatherize. Building heating and cooling are among the biggest uses of energy. Indeed, heating and air-conditioning account for almost half of home energy use. You can make your space more energy efficient by sealing drafts and ensuring it’s adequately insulated. In the USA it is possible to claim federal tax credits for many energy efficiency home improvements.

Инструкция по выполнению работы.
Карта индивидуальных достижений обучающегося.
Типовые бланки ответов.
Инструкция по выполнению заданий.
Письменная часть.
Устная часть.
Письменная часть.
Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий раздела «Письменная речь».
Порядок определения процента текстуальных совпадений в задании 38.
Порядок подсчёта слов в заданиях раздела «Письменная речь».
Устная часть.
Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий устной части.

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2025-03-05 19:02:36