Focus 5, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Siuta T., Trapnell B., Russell D., 2017

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Focus 5, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Siuta T., Trapnell B., Russell D., 2017.

   Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.

Focus 5, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Siuta T., Trapnell B., Russell D., 2017

Language in Focus.
Choose the correct option.
1 My mother doesn't like it that / if / where some public transport users stand with their rucksacks on their back, especially on overcrowded trams, bashing or leaning on other passengers.

2 I would appreciate it that / when / if other passengers didn't plant their bags on the seat next to them on a busy bus.

3 I think it bothersome to see / if / see / when I see individuals who stop in front of the ticket gates fishing around in their pockets for their travel cards.

4 The elderly who use public transport take / owe / find it frustrating when young passengers don't give up their seat when they see them.

5 When I'm running late and need to catch an underground train quickly, I find it particularly annoying where / that / if so many people stand on the left on escalators and block the path.

Unit 1 The ties that bind.
Unit 2 Learning for life.
Unit 3 Let's eat.
Unit 4 The new thing.
Unit 5 All in a day's work.
Unit 6 Journeys.
Unit 7 Express yourself.
Unit 8 Text me!.
Unit 9 Future generations.
Use of English.
Exam Strategies.
Function phrase bank, writing.
Function phrase bank, speaking.
Self-checks answer key.
Use of English answer key.

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