Grammar By Diagram, Workbook, Vitto C., 2009

Grammar By Diagram, Workbook, Vitto C., 2009.

Structured to follow each chapter of Grammar by Diagram, second edition, this workbook includes practice exercises, including cumulative exercises through which students can check their progress at key points, and a “final exam” to test knowledge of the entire text. A summary of concepts for each chapter and a complete answer key are also included.

Grammar By Diagram, Workbook, Vitto C., 2009

Structure of prepositional phrase.
Remember that prepositions never occur alone but always begin a prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase begins with the preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun, called the object of the preposition. In other words, a prepositional phrase = preposition + optional modi-fiers + noun or pronoun (object of preposition). Frequently one prepositional phrase follows another, forming a “chain” of prepositional phrases.

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