Science needs language, not only for communication among people, but we all need language for thinking, for constructing models, for forming our ideas. Clear-cut terms that are accepted and understood by the scientific community are the basis of scientific language. The goal of this “Electrochemical Dictionary” is to provide a reference manual where the reader of electrochemical literature can quickly find short explanations of scientific terms. Fundamental definitions are very important, especially the recommendations of IUPAC, which were a primary source, where available. In many cases intensive discussion among the editors and expert authors resulted in the definitions that can be found in this book. It is our hope that the definitions of terms proposed herein will be accepted and used in the future by the scientific community.

Palladium — (Pd, atomic number 46) is a silvery white metal (melting point = 1552 °C) that is commercially available in many polycrystalline forms, including wire, rod, foil, powder, sheet, and sponge. The basic electrochemical response of Pd is generally considered to be similar to that of - platinum [i], apart from its behavior in acidic solutions at low potential which is attributed to its ability to absorb/desorb large quantities (up to 30 volumes) of hydrogen.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: Bard :: Inzelt :: Scholz :: справочник по химии :: химия :: книги на английском языке :: английский язык
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- Новый справочник химика и технолога, Радиоактивные вещества, Вредные вещества, Гигиенические нормативы, 2004
- Энциклопедия неорганических материалов, том 2, Федорченко И.М., 1977
Предыдущие статьи:
- Лабораторные приборы и оборудование из стекла и фарфора, Справочное издание, Правдин П.В., 1988
- Краткий справочник по химии, Злотников Э.Г., 2008
- Справочник школьника, химия, Кременчугская М., Васильев С., 1997
- Весь курс школьной программы в схемах и таблицах, химия, Левина Э.М., 2007