Английский язык, 10 класс, контрольные задания, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2016

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Английский язык, 10 класс, Контрольные задания, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2016.

   Сборник контрольных заданий является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для X класса общеобразовательных организаций (углублённый уровень).
Сборник содержит задания, направленные на проверку знания учащимися лексического и грамматического материала учебника, а также на проверку уровня сформированности когнитивных способностей и коммуникативных навыков. Материалы сборника способствуют достижению учащимися личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов.

Английский язык, 10 класс, Контрольные задания, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., 2016

The Day of the Dead.
Mexico celebrates the Day of the Dead on the 1st and 2nd of November. In cities all over the country for several weeks before the festival begins street markets and shops are filled with symbols of death.

It is a very important event for all Mexicans. They believe that on the Day of the Dead the spirits of the dead return to the land of the living. But there is nothing sad about this festival. It simply reflects the Indian belief that death is a natural part of life. The Indian festival became a Catholic one when the Spanish brought their religion to Mexico.

A feast is prepared for the dead with their favourite food and drink, sweets and fruit. A special kind of bread, bread of the dead, is baked, made from flour, butter, sugar, eggs and orange peel. A bowl of water is put on the table so that the spirits can wash their hands. The tables are decorated with sugar skulls, candles, and paper skeletons.

I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. The Russian Museum.
Test Two. A Visit to the National Gallery.
Test Three. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Descriptions of the Paintings.
Test Two. Brief Encounter on a Train.
Test Three. Paintings in the Cave.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary.
Test Two. Confusable Words.
Test Three. Confusable Words.
Test Four. Phrasal Verbs.
Test Five. Topical Vocabulary.
Test Six. Function Words.
Test Seven. Word Building.
Test Eight. Word Building.
Test Nine. Selecting the Appropriate Words.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Personal and Possessive Pronouns.
Test Two. Reflexive Pronouns.
Test Three. Singular/Plural Forms of Certain Nouns (advice, watch, etc.).
Test Four. Singular/Plural Forms of the Noun (scale/scales, etc.).
Test Five. Pronoun one.
Test Six. Group of Nouns (majority, minority, etc.) and Their Agreement with the Verb.
Test Seven. Using the Appropriate Word Forms.
V. Writing.
Test One. Writing a Letter.
Test Two. Writing a Descriptive Essay.
Test Three. Writing an Opinion Essay.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Beliefs and Superstitions.
Test Two. Interview with Ms Keaton: Amish People.
Test Three. Discussing a Vampire Film.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. A Country of Different Religions.
Test Two. Wisdom Gained in the Sandpit.
Test Three. The Day of the Dead.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary.
Test Two. Active Vocabulary.
Test Three. Confusable Words.
Test Four. Prefixes.
Test Five. Phrasal Verbs.
Test Six. Function Words.
Test Seven. Topical Vocabulary.
Test Eight. Word Building.
Test Nine. Selecting the Appropriate Words.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Adverb vs Adjective.
Test Two. Place of Adverbs in the Sentence.
Test Three. Degrees of Comparison (adverbs and adjectives).
Test Four. Predicatively Used Adjectives (alike, alive, etc.).
Test Five. Predicatively Used Adjectives (alike, alive, etc.).
Test Six. Position of Certain Adjectives in the Sentence (present, concerned, etc.).
Test Seven. Order of Adjectives in the Sentence.
Test Eight. Adverbs to Express Speaker's Attitude (hopefully, etc.).
Test Nine. Using the Appropriate Word Forms.
V. Writing.
Test One. Writing a Letter.
Test Two. Writing a Descriptive Essay.
Test Three. Writing an Opinion Essay.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Environmental Problems of Our Time.
Test Two. Discussing Giant Pandas.
Test Three. Interview with Patrick Warren: Endangered Animals.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Why Sleep?.
Test Two. Costs and Consequences of the Fukushima Disaster.
Test Three. The African Elephant.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary.
Test Two. Active Vocabulary (board words).
Test Three. Active Vocabulary (verbs made from the names of animals by conversion).
Test Four. Confusable Words.
Test Five. Phrasal Verbs.
Test Six. Topical Vocabulary.
Test Seven. Function Words.
Test Eight. Word Building.
Test Nine. Selecting the Appropriate Words.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Finite Verb Forms.
Test Two. Finite Verb Forms.
Test Three. Passive Verb Forms.
Test Four. Verbs with Prepositions for/to.
Test Five. Active Verb Forms to Express Passive Meanings (wash, tear, etc.).
Test Six. Using the Appropriate Word Forms.
Test Seven. Using the Appropriate Word Forms.
V. Writing.
Test One. Writing a Letter.
Test Two. Writing a Narrative Essay.
Test Three. Writing an Opinion Essay.
I. Listening Comprehension Tests.
Test One. Happy Moments.
Test Two. Going to Sales.
Test Three. Interview with a Teenage Artist.
II. Reading Tests.
Test One. Six Texts.
Test Two. A New Official Portrait of the Queen.
Test Three. Learn to Listen.
III. Vocabulary Tests.
Test One. Active Vocabulary.
Test Two. Active Vocabulary.
Test Three. Confusable Words.
Test Four. Confusable Words.
Test Five. Phrasal Verbs.
Test Six. Active Vocabulary (words made by shortening).
Test Seven. Function Words.
Test Eight. Word Building.
Test Nine. Selecting the Appropriate Words.
Test Ten. Topical Vocabulary.
IV. Grammar Tests.
Test One. Finite Verb Forms.
Test Two. Non-finite Verb Forms.
Test Three. General Revision of Verb Forms.
Test Four. Verb help in the Sentence (help do/help to do, etc.).
Test Five. Phrases with the Infinitive in the Sentence.
Test Six. Non-finite Verb Forms (participle I/ll).
Test Seven. Using the Appropriate Word Forms.
V. Writing.
Test One. Writing a Letter.
Test Two. Writing a Narrative Essay.
Test Three. Writing an Opinion Essay.
Unit One.
Unit Two.
Unit Three.
Unit Four.

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