Английский язык, 9 класс, Рабочая тетрадь, 2016.
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Entering the city was like stepping back in time. Having been buried under piles of volcanic ash for more than a millennium, Pompeii truly was the land that time forgot. The cobbled streets were lined with rows of stone houses, each perfectly preserved. Even intricate details - embellished door frames and Roman graffiti - could be seen on the sides of buildings. Upon passing a bakery, I caught the aroma of wood smoke drifting from an ancient oven as though it had been lit no more than a week before. But perhaps my imagination had run away with me.

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Since the invention of the printing press, news reporting has advanced in leaps and bounds. First, the radio was launched in 1910, significantly changing the face of the news by enabling it to be broadcast at any time of day. Then, almost two decades later, the television made its debut, allowing viewers to see what was happening all around the world It's clear that technology is a massive driving force behind culture and society. Hov/ever, nothing has had such a massive impact on news reporting as ths rioe of the Internet. With all the features of print radio and television combined, the Internet has truly revolutionised the way in which the world receives news. Now, information is free, plentiful and instantly accessible as media corporations post new articles 24 hours a day. Not only this, but newspapers, radio and television stations are no longer the sole bearers of news. Indeed, one survey revealed that the majority of people leam about a breaking news story through a social networking site rather than through mainstream sources.
As well as enabling consumers to access news with ease, the Internet also allows news to be delivered by individual members of society. Through the use of mobile Internet technology, those present at the scene of an incident are able to report on it long before the press have time to arrive. This means that the public become the largest contributors of news in the world. However, since the Internet is largely unregulated, it flourishes with unreliable information. As a result, unverified sources should always be treated with caution.
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Теги: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: 9 класс
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