A1 Movers, Three Practice Tests, Student’s Book, Osborn A., 2018

A1 Movers, Three Practice Tests, Student's Book, Osborn A., 2018.

The Collins practice tests book for Cambridge English Qualifications: A1 Movers helps young learners to prepare for the Cambridge English Qualifications: A1 Movers test. These three practice tests reflect the structure and content of the official test, providing authentic practice for students at this level.

A1 Movers, Three Practice Tests, Student's Book, Osborn A., 2018

1.You go and see this person when you are not well.
2.This is a baby cat.
3.You have this when your ears hurt.
4.You go to this place when you ore not well.
5.You kick a boll with your feet to play this sport.

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