The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style, Lovinger P.W., 2002

The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style, Lovinger P.W., 2002.

   The volume in your hands is meant to be both useful and enjoyable, a readable dictionary for all who are interested in our language.
In A-to-Z form, it is mainly a guide to good usage of English, the American variety, contrasted with some 2,000 quoted examples of misusage and questionable usage. It does the job of “illuminating many traps and pitfalls in English usage” (as my editor puts it). I have sought to provide clear explanations in plain language. This book is designed for general readers as well as those who work with words.

The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style, Lovinger P.W., 2002

Now for the kind of admission that does have to do with entry: it is the act or fact of being allowed to enter, the right to enter, or, loosely, a charge for entering.

In the sense of entry, admittance is similar. It too means the act or fact of being allowed to enter or the right to enter. However, admittance usually is limited to literal entry into a specific place. (“A locked gate prevented our admittance to the garden.” / “Admittance to the kitchen is restricted to employees.”).

introduction: watching our words.
general topics.
lexicon, a to z.
reference works.

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