English-Spanish Dictionary of Plant Biology, Morris D.W., Morris M.Z., 2003

English-Spanish Dictionary of Plant Biology, Morris D.W., Morris M.Z., 2003.
   The English-Spanish Dictionary of Plant Biology has been written to fill a need for increased communication between English and Spanish speaking people who are working in or are being affected by the many sub-fields of plant biology. Its general purpose is to aid, stimulate, and facilitate a two-way flow of information and understanding between the peoples of North, South, and Central America in an era of economic and environmental interdependence.

English-Spanish Dictionary of Plant Biology, Morris D.W., Morris M.Z., 2003

abaxial. abaxial. Located on the side away from the axis, as the underside of a leaf; also, called the dorsal surface.
abbreviated, abreviado. Shorter, as an abbreviated perianth is shorter than the tube of the corolla.
aberrant, aberrante. Different from the usual; not a normal structure; variable.
abruptly pinnate, abrupto pinnado. Pinnate leaflet ending evenly at the tip without an odd, terminal leaflet; even pinnate, abscise (leaves), desprenderse (hojas). To shed; to separate by abscission.
abscisic acid, acido abscisico. A plant hormone that facilitates growth inhibition, dormancy, and leaf abscission; dormin.

English - Spanish Dictionary.
Spanish to English Index.

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