Учебное пособие «ОГЭ по английскому языку: практическая подготовка» разработано в формате тетради-практикума, в которой последовательно отрабатываются все языковые и экзаменационные умения и навыки, необходимые для успешного прохождения итоговой аттестации, Пособие дополнено интернет-ресурсом, содержащим банк заданий в формате ОГЭ.

Write one or two sentences to answer these questions. Use because to say why.
1 Would you rather watch a film on TV or in the cinema?
2 What types of holidays do you like?
3 Do you prefer playing video games or reading books?
4 What kind of restaurant do you like to go to with your family?
5 Would you rather be a doctor or a vet?
6 Do yon prefer art lessons or history lessons?
Underline and correct the punctuation mistakes in each sentence. There may be more than one mistake in a sentence.
1 Thank's for your letter, which I really enjoyed reading!
2 I think, that I prefer art lessons to history lessons, because I really like drawing.
3 Its good to go bowling with your friends - especially if you are good at it!
4 Ive been reading a great book, called „The Longest Journey".
5 My friend's always enjoy going out together and I'm sure your’s do, too.
Study Skills: Listening.
Listening Task 1.
Skills: predicting types of conversation, predicting key words, listening for gist, understanding situational language, using key words effectively.
Listening Task 2.
Skills: listening for gist, predicting key words, predicting phrases, understanding synonyms.
Listening Task 3.
Skills: listening for specific information, understanding synonyms, dealing with distractors, understanding responses.
Study Skills: Heading.
Reading Task 1.
Skills: reading for gist, understanding synonyms.
Reading Task 2.
Skills: understanding detail, understanding synonyms, understanding when information is not stated.
Study Skills: Grammar and Vocabulary
Grammar and Vocabulary Task 1.
Skills: understanding verbs, understanding pronouns, understanding numbers, understanding comparatives and superlatives, understanding plurals.
Grammar and Vocabulary Task 2.
Skills: understanding parts of speech, understanding nouns, understanding verbs, understanding adjectives, understanding adverbs.
Study Skills: Writing.
Writing Task.
Skills: the rules of letter writing, understanding the task, expressing your opinion, expressing your preferences, making suggestions, giving reasons, spelling and punctuation, formality.
Study Skills: Speaking.
Speaking Task 1.
Skills: consonant sounds, vowel sounds, silent letters, stress, intonation.
Speaking Task 2.
Skills: answering simple personal questions, answering How questions, answering What/ Which questions, answering Why questions, answering hypothetical questions.
Speaking Task 3.
Skills: understanding the task, brainstorming and planning.
Practice Exam.
Answer Key & Audioscript.
Audio Track Listing.
Бесплатно скачать электронную книгу в удобном формате, смотреть и читать:
Скачать книгу ОГЭ по английскому языку, Практическая подготовка, Малколм Манн, Стив Тейлор-Ноулз, 2017 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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Теги: ОГЭ по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Малколм Манн :: Стив Тейлор-Ноулз
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