English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary, Katzner К., 1984

English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary, Katzner К., 1984.

  An American contribution to the field of Russian-English lexicography is long overdue.
This dictionary constitutes a first in many respects. It is the first full-size English-Russian or Russian-English dictionary to be compiled and published in the United States. It is the first to be based on American, rather than British, English. And it is the first full-size dictionary published anywhere, including the Soviet Union, to contain English-Russian and Russian-English sections in the same volume.

English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary, Katzner К., 1984

abiding adj. постоянный; неизменный.
ability n. способность; умение
abjure v.t 1, (renounce) отрекаться от. 2, (retract) отказываться от.
ablaze adj. в огнё. Set ablaze, воспламенять.
able adj. умелый; способный. Be able, мочь; уметь.
abloom adj. в цвету,
ablution n. омовение.
ably adv. умёло
abominate v.t ненавидеть; питать отвращение к.
abomination п. 1, (loathing) омерзение. 2, (loathsome thing) мерзость.

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