8. Cross-references Cross-references are used in the following instances: to refer the user to the spelling variant treated in depth; to refer the user to the headword where a particular construction or idiom has been treated; to draw the user's attention to the full treatment of such words as numerals, languages, days of the week and months of the year under certain key words.

9. Punctuation and Symbols , between translations indicates that the translations are interchangeable; between alternative phrases to be translated indicates that the phrases have the same meaning. ; between translations indicates a difference in meaning which is clarified by explanatory material unless: (a) the distinction has already been made within the same entry; (b) in the case of some compounds the distinction is made under the simple form; (c) the distinction is self-evident.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: 2007 :: немецкий язык
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