ВПР, 11 класс, английский язык, 2020

ВПР, 11 класс, Английский язык, 2020.
Всероссийская проверочная работа по иностранному языку (английский, немецкий, французский) включает в себя письменную и устную части. В 2020 г. общеобразовательные учреждения имеют право выбора – выполнять всю работу полностью или только её письменную часть.

ВПР, 11 класс, Английский язык, 2020

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Green tea has been used by the Chinese for centuries. Today green tea is popular all over the world. You may ask yourself why it is so. Green tea is very tasty itself. Moreover, you can add different herbs and fruits to it to make it even tastier. Still, there is much more to green tea than just that. Health experts say that green tea is very good. Green tea is a great way to prevent various illnesses including cancer. Green tea also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which a human body needs to function well. If you are on a diet, try drinking green tea. Recent studies have found out that it is very effective as part of weight loss programmes. Green tea also boosts the immune system and fights the viruses. Finally, a cup of green tea will improve your mood and reduce the stress level.

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