Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS, With answers, Cullen P., 2008

Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS, With answers, Cullen P., 2008.

   It aims to extend and improve the accuracy of your vocabulary and help you prepare for the IELTS test. It introduces vocabulary through listening and reading texts that reflect the materials used in the IELTS test. Learning new words in context can help you to remember them and also helps you to understand their meaning. This book also gives you opportunities to practise new words so that they can become part of your active vocabulary.

Cambridge, Vocabulary for IELTS, With answers, Cullen P., 2008

Families and early learning.
Study links early friendships with high-quality sibling relationships.
Children who experience a rewarding friendship before the birth of a sibling are likely to have a better relationship with that brother or sister that endures throughout their childhood, said Laurie Kramer in a University of Illinois study published in Decembers Journal of Family Psychology.

‘When early friendships are successful, young children get the chance to master sophisticated social and emotional skills, even more than they do with a parent. When parents relate to a child, they do a lot of the work, figuring out what the child needs and then accommodating those needs,’ says Kramer. However, this is not usually the case when two children are interacting.

The research showed that the benefits of early friends are long-lasting. Children who had a positive relationship with a best friend before the birth of a sibling ultimately had a good relationship with their sibling that lasted throughout adolescence, Kramer said. And children who as preschoolers were able to coordinate play with a friend, manage conflicts, and keep an interaction positive in tone were most likely as teenagers to avoid the negative sibling interaction that can sometimes launch children on a path of anti-social behavior, she added. ‘From birth, parents can nurture and help develop these social competencies (or skills) by making eye contact with their babies, offering toys and playing with them,’ she said.

Map of the book.
IELTS Test summary.
Unit 1 Growing up.
Unit 2 Mental and physical development.
Unit 3 Keeping fit.
Unit 4 Lifestyles.
Unit 5 Student life.
Test One.
Unit 6 Effective communication.
Unit 7 On the move.
Unit 8 Through the ages.
Unit 9 The natural world.
Unit 10 Reaching for the skies.
Test Two.
Unit 11 Design and innovation.
Unit 12 Information technology.
Unit 13 The modern world.
Unit 14 Urbanisation.
Unit 15 The green revolution.
Test Three.
Unit 16 The energy crisis.
Unit 17 Talking business.
Unit 18 The law.
Unit 19 The media.
Unit 20 The arts.
Test Four.
Unit 21 Language building 1.
Unit 22 Language building 2.
Unit 23 Academic Writing Task 1.
Unit 24 Academic Writing Task 2.
Unit 25 General Training Writing Tasks 1 and 2.
Test Five.
Answer key.
Recording scripts.
CD Tracklist.

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