Английский язык, 11 класс, Рабочая тетрадь, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М., Мичугина С.В., 2010.
Фрагмент из книги:
After lunch Louisa, as usual, went to the piano. She was a competent pianist and a genuine music-lover, and almost every afternoon she spent an hour or so playing for herself. The cat was now lying on the sofa, and she paused to stroke it as she went by. It opened its eyes, looked at her for a moment, then closed them again and went back to sleep.
“You’re an awfully nice cat,” she said. “And such a beautiful colour. I wish I could keep you.”

Express the same in Russian.
I. I tried not to betray my ignorance. 2. They were quite indignant at Roger’s remarks. 3. I can’t resist the temptation of visiting the show. 4. People naturally resist change. 5. He suffers from fits of depression. 6. Ann heard Steve swear under his breath. 7. An error in the translation nearly caused a diplomatic incident. 8. I find it insulting to be spoken to in such a way. 9. Mr Richardson’s air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely. 10. I must admit Joanna is very difficult to work with.
II. Sarah has been embroiding the dress by fits and starts three months already. 12. One of 0. Wilde’s famous plays is called The Importance of Being Earnest. 13. The room beyond proved to be a mirror image of the first room. 14. “Don’t assume anything,” said Maria fiercely. 15. In the dark I stumbled and hit on the back of a chair. 16. Fred gave a roar of anger.
Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
1. Suddenly I hit (on/out) a radical solution to the problem. 2. If you criticise the way James works, he is sure to hit (back/for).
3. Some companies would be hit (at/for) millions of dollars in fine.
4. In her speech she hit (on/out) against the club’s petty rules.
5. He didn’t see the people attacking him, he just hit (back/out) wildly in all directions. 6. They accused him of not having done enough, and he hit (back/out) at their claims. 7. It was clear that sooner or later the police would hit (at/upon) the truth. 8. In his article the journalist hit (back/out) at racism. 9. The sneer was obvious, but he didn’t hit (for/out). 10. Colin never starts a fight, but if somebody hits him, he hits them (back/on).
Unit One.
Unit Two.
Unit Three.
Unit Four.
Keys to Exercises.
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Теги: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Афанасьева :: Михеева :: Баранова :: Мичугина :: 11 класс
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