Английский язык, 10-11 классы, Тесты, Карницкая Г.В., 2007

Английский язык, 10-11 классы, Тесты, Карницкая Г.В., 2007.

   Пособие включает тематические и промежуточные тесты для контроля знаний, навыков, умений во всех аспектах языка и видах речевой деятельности в X-XI классах с повышенным уровнем обучения английскому языку, а также диктанты, тексты для проверки техники чтения, разноуровневые тренировочные упражнения.

Английский язык, 10-11 классы, Тесты, Карницкая Г.В., 2007

Choose the sentences you heard in the text
1) All round the town were the beautiful homes of rich merchants and their families.
2) People of 20 nationalities lived there.
3) Rome was to the South of Pompeii.
4) Dogs started to bark, birds flew away.
5) A strange silence seemed to hang over the town.
6) Birds left their nests and people began to worry what was going to happen.
7) We know much about Rome.
8) Everybody heard about this great earthquake.
9) Archeologists have also found graffiti.
10) Graffiti was similar to modern style of drawing.

Choose the best Russian equivalent to the words and expressions
1) the disastrous earthquake
a) разрушавшее землетрясение
b) разрушающее землетрясение
c) сокрушающее землетрясение

2) seemed to bang over the town
a) показалось повисло над городом
b) казавшееся повисшим над городом
c) казалось повисло над городом

3) In a few hours
a) несколькими часами позже
b) через несколько часов
c) в несколько часов

4) stayed untouched
a) стали нетронутыми
b) оставались недоступными
c) оставались нетронутыми.

Form X.
Listening-Comprehension Test I The Mona Lisa Robbery.
Listening-Comprehension Test II The Volcano Vesuvius.
Heading-Comprehension Test I Leonardo Da Vinci.
Heading-Comprehension Test II Our Senses.
Lexical and Grammar Test I Lexical and Grammar Test II.
Dictation I The Nobel Prize.
Dictation II The Greenhouse Effect.
Oral Speech Test.
Additional Leveled Exercises.
Listening-Comprehension Text I The Mona Lisa Robbery.
Listening - Comprehension Text II The Volcano Veuvius.
Form XI.
Listening-Comprehension Test I Prince William: the 'Perfect Prince’.
Listening-Comprehension Test II The Origin of Jeans.
Listening-Comprehension Tes: III “Springtime on the Menu’’ O. Henry.
Listening-Comprehension Tes: IV A Christmas Story.
Reading-Comprehension Test I Audrey Hepbern: Our Fair Lady.
Reading-Comprehension Test II British Public Schools.
Reading-Comprehension Test III Native Americans.
Reading-Comprehension Test IV General Review of Belarusian Economy.
Lexical and Grammar Test I.
Lexical and Grammar Test II.
Lexical and Grammar Test III.
Lexical and Grammar Test IV.
Dictation I The Statue of Liberty.
Dictation II Family Reunions.
Dictation III Licensing.
Dictation IV Teen Problems.
Oral Speech Test I.
Oral Speech Test II.
Additional Leveled Exercises I.
Additional Leveled Exercises II.
English Language Olympiads.
Lexical and Grammar Test I.
Lexical and Grammar Test II.
Lexical and Grammar Test III.
Lexical and Grammar Test IV.
Lexical and Grammar Test V.
Lexical and Grammar Test VI.
Lexical and Grammar Test VII.
Lexical and Grammar Test VIII.
Lexical and Grammar Test IX.
Lexical and Grammar Test X.
Lexical and Grammar Test XI.
Britain and the British Studies Test.
The USA Studies Test.
Listening-Comprehension Test I Prince William: the ‘Perfect Prince’.
Listening-Comprehension Test II The Origin of Jeans.
Listening-Comprehension Test III “Springtime on the Menu” O. Henry.
Listening-Comprehension Test IV A Christmas Story.
Список литературы.

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