New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Tests, Third edition, Krantz C., Quintana J., White L., 2007

New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Tests, Third edition, Krantz C., Quintana J., White L., 2007.

   This booklet contains:
• 12 Unit Tests which revise the corresponding unit in New Headway Pre-Intermediate, third edition Student's Book. There are two versions (A and B) of each test. These pairs of tests target the same language areas but the specific content of the material is different and often involves alternative task types. Each test has a total score of 100.
• An Exit Test, covering material from Units 1-12.
• 14 optional listening tests including one for each unit, a review test, and an exit test using recordings found on the Tests Resource CD.
• An Answer Key for all the exercises.
• Tapescripts for all the listening exercises.

New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Tests, Third edition, Krantz C., Quintana J., White L., 2007

Translate the social expressions. Some expressions mean the same.
1 How do you do?
2 It doesn't matter.
3 Cheers!
4 Pleased to meet you.
5 See you tomorrow.
6 Don’t mention it.
7 Same to you.
8 Can I help you?
9 Nevermind.
10 Have a good weekend!

Choose the correct option.
1 He has got / has coffee in the morning.
2 When do you have / have got your holiday?
3 Did you have got / have a nice teacher at school?
4 They have never got I never have wine with dinner.
5 They don’t have / no have lots of money.
6 She has / is having a new dictionary.
7 They’re coming in a minute. They have / are having dinner.
8 I haven’t/don’t have got any pets.
9 Where do you usually go / are you usually going skiing?
10 Where’s Gianni? He dances / ’s dancing with Rebecca.
11 I like / ’m liking my new job.

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