Complete IELTS, Bands 5-6.5, Student’s Book with Answers, Brook-Hart Guy, Jakeman Vanessa, 2012

Complete IELTS, Bands 5-6.5, Student's Book with Answers, Brook-Hart Guy, Jakeman Vanessa, 2012.
  Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5 is a brand new course to prepare students for the IELTS test at an intermediate level [В2]. It combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed at young adults. It is designed to introduce students to the critical thinking required for IELTS and provide strategies and skills to maximise their score in all parts of the test.

Complete IELTS, Bands 5-6.5, Student's Book with Answers, Brook-Hart Guy, Jakeman Vanessa, 2012

Work in pairs. Look at the Writing task below.
1 What does the chart show?
2 What information would you put in your introductory sentence?
3 What is the biggest problem for the middle age group? What percentage of them experience this problem? How does this compare with the other age groups?
4 Which age group seems to have the most problems related to money? How does this compare with the other age groups?
5 Which group has the most problems finding a school for their children? And which has the least?
6 In general, which group has to deal with the most problems?

Read the paragraph in blue in the passage and say which of these statements is TRUE, which is FALSE and which is NOT GIVEN.
1 Culture shock affects most people who spend time living in another country.
2 Culture shock affects certain types of people more quickly than others.
3 Culture shock only affects how people feel.

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