Russian-english dictionary of idioms, русско-английский фразеологический словарь, Любенски С., 2013

Russian-english dictionary of idioms, русско-английский фразеологический словарь, Любенски С., 2013.

When the Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms first came out in 1995, it quickly drew the attention of translators and other potential users. They immediately recognized a number of features that distinguished it from traditional bilingual dictionaries. The Dictionary was the first of its kind in several respects. It included more idioms and meanings than any bilingual dictionary at the time, along with numerous synonyms and variants of idioms. It was the first bilingual dictionary to provide definitions for each entry and meaning, as well as extended usage notes, where needed, in an attempt to create semantic microworlds that would contribute to a better understanding of every idiom presented. By creating a semantic habitat for each idiom, the dictionary offered assistance without curtailing the translator's ingenuity and creativity. Each idiom was accompanied by essential grammar information and a wide range of style and usage labels—temporal, stylistic, and sociolinguistic—on the Russian side. This information enabled users to develop a sense of how an idiom is used in both typical and atypical contexts, and to pair the Russian idiom with the most suitable equivalent for each context.

Russian-english dictionary of idioms, русско-английский фразеологический словарь, Любенски С., 2013


In my work on both the original and revised editions of the Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms, I have received valuable help and contributions from many people and sources. The dictionary has benefited enormously from their generosity, and it is with profound and sincere gratitude that I acknowledge my debt to them.
This revised and expanded version of the dictionary grew out of the original Random House edition, which was funded by a generous grant from the National Cryptologic School, Department of Defense. I gratefully acknowledge that grant, which made the publication of the original dictionary possible.
The availability of online language corpora has drastically changed the lexicographer's job. In my work on the revised edition, I have benefited enormously from the National Russian Corpus (Национальный корпус русского языка), an incomparable lexicographic tool, which enabled me to streamline and bring up to date certain important contextual and so-ciolinguistic features of many idioms collocation, stylistic register, appropriacy, and more. My gratitude to the creators of the NRC is boundless. And it may sound cliche, but 1 have to admit that dictionary-making in the Google era is much more fun than in long-forgotten pre-Google times.
Of all the individuals to whom tribute is due, I owe my greatest debt to Judith Hchir, who worked with me as an editor on the revised edition (and also on an early version of the original edition, where she is acknowledged as Judith VanDyk), and Marjorie McShane, who served as a developmental editor for the original edition. Both Judith and Marjorie worked with total dedication, showing fine feeling for language and style, superb editorial skills, and unsurpassed critical flair.


Editorial and Production Staff
Sample Entries
Guide to the Dictionary
Abbreviations Used in the Dictionary
Russian Alphabet

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