Английский язык, Билеты к выпускному экзамену, Данилович Л.В., 2013

Английский язык, Билеты к выпускному экзамену, Данилович Л.В., 2013.

  В пособии представлены 25 билетов для подготовки к выпускному экзамену по английскому языку, содержащие аутентичные тексты с вопросами для собеседования по прочитанному, а также образцы устных высказываний для беседы в предложенной ситуации общения.
Предназначено учащимся старших классов при подготовке к выпускному экзамену по английскому языку, абитуриентам, а также учителям старших классов.

Английский язык, Билеты к выпускному экзамену, Данилович Л.В., 2013

Many people arc afraid of growing old. But research suggests that this is a mistake: according to a new study, we tend to enjoy the height of contentment in our twilight years.

Old age is often imagined as a depressing period of physical and mental decline, in which we are condemned to loneliness, boredom and irrelevance. Yet according to a surprising new study, this could hardly be further from the truth.

Researchers from the University of Florida analysed data collected over thirty years. Instead of becoming sadder as they aged, people consistently reported higher levels of life satisfaction. As we get older, the researchers concluded, we become happier and more fulfilled.

In another recent study, psychologists monitored the daily emotions of people in a range of age groups. Over-65s reported emotional distress three times less often than others. They were less stressed, less angry and less anxious, and found it easier to focus on positive things. Also, when older people are sad, they are far more capable of simply accepting it.

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