Dictionnaire Anglais-Francais, Robert Collins, 1987

Dictionnaire Anglais-Francais, Robert Collins, 1987.
   Les auteurs tiennent a exprimer leurs remercie-ments a tous ceux qui ont apporte leur collaboration tout au long de la redaction de cet ouvrage, et en parliculier a Tom McArthur, dont les travaux sur les verbes anglais a particule ont ete dune aide precieuse; a Richard Wakely, qui a bien voulu les faire beneficier de son concours pour le traitement des auxiliaires de mode anglais; a Colin Smith, qui leur a montre la voie; a Duncan McMillan pour ses conseils et sa collaboration a un stade avance de la redaction; a Guy Rondeau pour son concours lors de la compilation des emplois du francais du Canada; enfin a tous ceux dont l'aide a concouru au parachevement du texte.

Dictionnaire Anglais-Francais, Robert Collins, 1987

Headwords Each headword is transcribed with its pronunciation between square brackets. In the case of words having a variant pronunciation (e.g. tandis [tadi], [tadis]), the one pronunciation given is that regarded by the editorial team as preferable, often on grounds of frequency.

Compound words derived from headwords and shown within an entry are given without phonetic transcription (e.g. passer [pose], but passe-lacet, passe-montugne), The pronunciation of compounds is usually predictable, being that of the citation form of each element, associated with the final syllable stress characteristic of the language (see following paragraph).

Sentence stress Unlike the stress pattern of English associated with meaning, sentence stress in French is associated with rhythm. The stress falls on the final syllable of the sense groups of which the sentence is formed (see 1.5). In the following example: quand il m'a vu, il a traverse la rue en courant pour me dire un mot composed of three sense groups, the syllables vu, -rant and mot carry the stress, being slightly lengthened.

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